Privacy Policy


1.1 Application.

This Privacy Policy sets forth our policy with respect to information that can be associated with, or which relates to a person and/or could be used to identify a person (“Personal Data”) that is collected from Users on or through the Services. We take the privacy of your Personal Data seriously. Because of that, we have created this Privacy Policy. Please read this Privacy Policy as it includes important information regarding your Personal Data and other information.

“Non-Personal Data” as used in this Privacy Policy is therefore any information that does not relate to a person and/or cannot be used to identify a person. When you interact with the Services, we may collect Non-Personal Data. The limitations and requirements in this Privacy Policy on our collection, use, disclosure, transfer and storage/retention of Personal Data do not apply to Non-Personal Data.

2. Personal Data That We Collect.

When you use or interact with us through the Services, we may collect Personal Data. Sometimes this will be on our own behalf and other times this will be on behalf of an Organizer using our Services to run an event. This is an important distinction for purposes of certain data protection laws and is explained in more detail below.

2.1 Information Collected from All Users.

Information you provide to us: For all Users we collect Personal Data when you voluntarily

provide such information to the Services, such as when you register for access to the Services, contact us with inquiries, respond to one of our surveys or browse or use certain parts of the Services. The Personal Data we may collect includes without limitation your name, address, email address and any other information that you choose to provide and/or that enables Users to be personally identified. Information we automatically collect: We also automatically collect certain technical data that is sent to us from the computer, mobile device and/or browser through which you access the Services (“Automatic Data”). Automatic Data, includes without limitation, a unique identifier associated with your access device and/or browser (including, for example, your Internet Protocol (IP) address) characteristics about your access device and/or browser, statistics on your activities on the Services, information about how you came to the Services and data collected through Cookies, Pixel Tags, Local Shared Objects, Web Storage and other similar technologies. You can find out more information about how we use Cookies and other similar tracking technologies in our Cookie Statement. When you register for the Services or otherwise submit Personal Data to us, we may associate other Non-Personal Data (including Non-Personal Data we collect from third parties) with your Personal Data. At such an instance, we will treat any such combined data as your Personal Data until such time as it can no longer be associated with you or used to identify you.

2.2 Information Collected from Organizers.

If you are an Organizer, we will collect additional Personal Data from you. Information you provide to us: In some cases, we may collect your credit card information (e.g., your credit card number and expiration date, billing address, etc.), some of which may constitute Personal Data, to secure certain payments. In addition, if you use our payment processing services, we will collect financial information from you (e.g., your bank account information or an address to send checks) as necessary to facilitate payments and information required for tax purposes (e.g., your taxpayer identification number). Information we obtain from other sources: We may also collect or receive Personal Data including your name, email address and other contact information from third party sources, such as third-party websites and marketing partners, your bank, our payment processing partners and credit reporting agencies.

2.3 Information Collected from Consumers.

If you are a Consumer we will collect additional Personal Data from you, sometimes for our own purposes and other times on behalf of an Organizer (see Section 16 below for more information).

Information you provide via other external applications: If you register for a paid event, you will provide financial information (e.g., your credit card number and expiration date, billing address, etc.) some of which may constitute Personal Data. In addition, Organizers can set up event registration pages to collect virtually any information from Consumers in connection with registration for an Organizer’s event listed on the Services. External applications do not control an Organizer’s registration process nor the Personal Data that they collect. When you register for, or otherwise provide information to external Applications in conjunction with an Organizer event or activity, whether that information is yours or a third party’s, in connection with a purchase, registration, or transfer, that Organizer will receive and may use the information you provide. Please see Section 5.5 below, titled “How We Disclose and Transfer Your Personal Data: Organizers” for more information about an Organizer’s receipt and use of your Personal Data.

Information we obtain from other sources: We may also collect or receive Personal Data from third party sources, such as Organizers, other Consumers, social media or other third-party integrations, your credit card issuing bank, our payment processing partners or other third parties.

3. How We Use Your Personal Data.

We collect and use the Personal Data we collect in a manner that is consistent with this Privacy Policy, and applicable privacy laws. We may use the Personal Data as follows:

3.1 Specific Reason.

If you provide Personal Data for a certain purpose, we may use the Personal Data in connection with the purpose for which it was provided. For instance, if you contact us by email, we will use the Personal Data you provide to answer your question or resolve your problem and will respond to the email address from which the contact came.

3.2 Access and Use.

If you provide Personal Data in order to obtain access to or use of the Services or any functionality thereof, we will use your Personal Data to provide you with access to or use of the Services or functionality and to analyze your use of such Services or functionality. For instance, if you supply Personal Data relating to your identity or qualifications to use certain portions of the Services, we will use that information to make a decision as to granting you access to use such Services and to assess your ongoing qualification to use such Services.

3.3 Internal Business Purposes.

We may use your Personal Data for internal business purposes, including without limitation, to help us improve the content and functionality of the Services, to better understand our Users, to improve the Services, to protect against, identify or address wrongdoing, to enforce our Terms of Service, to manage your account and provide you with customer service, and to generally manage the Services and our business.

3.4 Event and Organizer Marketing.

We may use your Personal Data for our marketing and advertising purposes, including (without limitation) by email, S, display media, and targeting other devices (such as tablets, mobile devices, and televisions). We do this in order to inform you about services or events we believe might be of interest to you, develop promotional or marketing materials and display event-related content and advertising on or off the Services that we believe might be of interest to you. We may also do this on behalf of an Organizer, for example where your prior interactions with an Organizer suggest you may be interested in a particular type of event. See “Opt Out from Electronic Communications” below on how to opt out of various marketing communications.

You may see advertisements for our Services on third party websites, including on social media platforms. We also provide Organizers with tools to help them display advertisements for their events on third party websites and social media platforms. Where you see an advertisement on a third-party website or social media platform, this may be because we or the Organizer engaged the third party or social media platform to show the advertisement to Users, or to others who have similar attributes to our Users. In some cases, this involves sharing your email address or other contact details with the third party or social media platform so that they can identify you as one of our Users or identify other individuals with similar attributes to you in order to show them advertisements for our Services (or for our Organizer’s events). If you no longer want your Personal Data to be used for these purposes, please contact at external applications website contact in the case of an Organizer’s advertising, you may need to contact the Organizer directly. For more information about how we and Organizers market on and interact with social media sites.

3.5 Organizer Emails.

We allow Organizers to use our email tools to contact Consumers for their current and past events, so you may receive emails from our system that originate with such Organizers and that we send on their behalf. If you registered for an event on the Services, your email address is available to that Organizer. However, Organizers may also import the email addresses they have from external sources and send communications through the Services to those email addresses, and we will deliver those communications to those email addresses on the Organizer’s behalf. The Organizer is responsible for sending these emails. See “Opt Out from Electronic Communications” below on how to opt out of Organizer-initiated communications.

3.6 Use of Interest-Based Data

We sometimes make inferences about the type of events or activities you may be interested in. We may use these inferences to help target advertising or customize recommendations to you, including on behalf of Organizers. We may do this on an aggregated or generalized basis. For instance, we may determine that our users who attend many comedy events also often attend or show interest in endurance-related events or content. We may direct (or assist in directing) content or recommendations related to both comedy and endurance to those Users.

3.7 Other Purposes.

If we intend to use any Personal Data in any manner that is not consistent with this Privacy Policy, you will be informed of such anticipated use prior to or at the time the Personal Data is collected, or we will obtain your consent subsequent to such collection but prior to such use.

3.8 Aggregated Personal Data.

In an ongoing effort to understand and serve our Users better, we often conduct research on our customer demographics, interests and behavior based on Personal Data and other information that we have collected. This research is typically conducted on an aggregate basis only that does not identify you. Once Personal Data is in an aggregated form, for purposes of this Privacy Policy, it becomes Non-Personal Data.

3.9 User Data

We will maintain certain data that you transmit to the Site for the purpose of managing the Site, as well as data relating to your use of the Site. Although we perform regular routine backups of data, you are solely responsible for all data that you transmit or that relates to any activity you have undertaken using the Site.

You agree that we shall have no liability to you for any loss or corruption of any such data, and you hereby waive any right of action against us arising from any such loss or corruption of such data.

4.0 Electronic Communications, Transactions, and Signatures

Visiting the Site, sending us emails, and completing online forms constitute electronic communications. You consent to receive electronic communications, and you agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures, and other communications we provide to you electronically, via email and on the Site, satisfy any legal requirement that such communication be in writing.


You hereby waive any rights or requirements under any statutes, regulations, rules, ordinances, or other laws in any jurisdiction which require an original signature or delivery or retention of non-electronic records, or to payments or the granting of credits by any means other than electronic means.